Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Why is bitter sweetness in our midst? Man urges to fulfill his life in full. That driving force never stops no matter what for the young and the old. That’s deeply embedded in our human race. There is nothing wrong with pursuing happiness and fulfillment in life. It is perfectly normal and right. The problem is that man never finds it in the world even if he may try as best as he can. Yes, there have been a great many appeals and testimonials that it may be possible if man tries his best. There are a lot of books and medium flooded to the eyes and ears of man’s mind. Fine arts draw the human mind to some extent. Philosophy and science also join the pleading gang. Religion is not an exception. One notable commonality of all is self-satisfaction. That’s right, feeding the ego self over and over again. Even Christians are not exception in trying their best through the dedicated religious performances. It never works, ever. Out of frustrations and defeats man tries harder to be satisfied and fulfill life. It may be drugs and sexual promiscuity in an attempt to quench the thirst in life. Inevitably, man experiences more futility, loneliness, nothingness, guilt, despair, shame, and abandonment. But there is such a life available which man is desperately looking for in our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, the scripture would have not told us that life. We can find true hope in God who pours out life upon life abundantly and lavishly through Christ Jesus. God sees us as the victims of the master and father of lie who is the devil. So, He is compassionate and merciful on us and without an iota of delay He answers our pleas and cries for help. That’s beautifully described in the parable of the persistent widow in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 18. The point of the parable is not the widow but the Father who never delays even a slight moment to dispatch the Helper out to His children who are in the faith under the severe pressure. The Father in heaven is not like the judge in the parable. He hastily moves and snatches the victims away from the enemies like the SWAT team. The question is “Do you truly believe that?”

“I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8 NKJV)

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