Friday, May 30, 2014

Do You Want to Get Well?

“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6 NKJV)

What is the most important question of God to humans? Here is one given in the Gospel of John Chapter 5 to a man who had an infirmity thirty-eight years, “Do you want to get well?” This is a profound probing question for the fallen race? It is exactly the same question to Adam spoken by God, “Where are you?” It seems a very easy question to answer but it is not. It seems too obvious for everyone to be made well. In a sense, yes all wants to get well. 

However, it is not so easy to answer the searching question. We want to get well and at the same time we don’t want to be made well. It sounds difficult to understand. See the problem of man is much deeper than the shallow feeling of being made well on the surface. Since the fall of Adam all man is born under the serious condition of bondage and slavery in darkness and blindness. That’s the truth. That’s the reality. Human beings are lost and fallen much deeper down than we think.

The law of sin and death works from birth in every man if not delivered by the redeemer who is Christ Jesus. Until Christ comes in man’s life as Lord, he is constantly in want. The seriousness of man’s problem is the ignorance and obliviousness of the seriousness of human sickness. There is no way out unless the stronger comes and delivers out of the bondage of the devil. Though people desperately want to get out of the sickness of futility and be made well, they cannot by themselves.

There is one more problem. Sinning is pleasurable. Is it not? Many a people do not want to be made well because they are afraid of losing the pleasures of sin. The pool of Bethesda is the exact miniature of the world where people are suffering and wondering around by sickness like blindness, cripple, or paralysis. The wiles of the devil deceive the people that they can take care themselves. Thus, they refuse to come to God who offers a break through, saying “Do you want get well?”

This is really a serious question we shall answer right away. “Do you truly want to be made well?” Our God is the power to heal the deadly sickness, even the sin of lawlessness. If so, we shall respond to His call by faith, saying “Lord, heal us from all evils—hatred, guilt, despair, bitterness, anger, revenge, orgies, pornography, fornication, lies.”

Jesus says to the man, “Get up, take up your mat, and walk!” When he heard the voice of the Son of God, he obeyed Him and so he was able to get up, take up his mat and walk. Jesus made him whole, healing both physically and spiritually. Jesus released the man from the bondage and iron-grip of the devil immediately when he exercised the faith in Him. God searches the people who really want to be made well through Christ the Redeemer. 

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